Friday, March 27, 2009

Marco Island!

Well as you can probably tell by the photos, vacation was absolutely wonderful! Time with the family, some cousins, the beach, the warmth, running around the beach with a camera, not being freezing cold and seeing the grey sky, it's the recipe for a great week! My family meets up every year for spring break to visit my grandparents. Before you think we're spending the week in a nursing home, my grandparents are so stinkin cool. My grandfather is nearly 85 and drives a corvette, still plays tennis and golf, and is always up for a fun time. My niece and nephews were loads of fun and anytime that my whole family gets to share a house is absolutely wonderful!
Peace, Kate J Miller

My smashingly cool Grandfather and his car below...

My beautiful sister, pregnant with baby #2!

So one day my grandmother was cleaning out her closet and told my cousins and I we could come take whatever we want. This woman is not afraid of color or pattern and obviously has a very fun wardrobe! (She's in the middle) So all the girls decided to wear her clothes to dinner one night...and here's how it looked.

The pants made me look like I was in Aladdin, but the jacket made me look like I was supposed to back up dance for Michael Jackson.

My sister and her beautiful children. What a fun Mom!

And here's Dad...

1 comment:

  1. kate--- your pictures are stunning! what a gift you have, much like you amazing father. what year are you in school?
