Monday, May 18, 2009


Crater Lake (image is not mine but I will be hiking here so hopefully I will have a similar one)

I love the pacific northwest. It's beautiful. I find comfort in water and mountains and being outside. So I'm going to Oregon for the next three weeks to enjoy all of the things that make it so incredibly wonderful, and get a few credits on the side. The photographer/nerd/woman of the woods in me has never been more excited. I will have very limited access to internet, so no blog updates, but I will be shooting away, and my camera and I will be very happy.
Peace, Kate J Miller

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mother and Son

As a Mother's Day present to his mom, Phil asked me to take some photos of the two of them together at their house. Phil is an only child in college, so this year his mom joined the ranks of parents in the empty nest club. I thought this was a really sweet idea on Phil's part and a great way to honor his mother and preserve this moment in their relationship.
Peace, Kate J Miller

Monday, May 11, 2009


Ok photography is just really cool. A fellow student named Erin that I've had a few classes with found my website and asked me if I would take engagement pictures for her friends Nick and Ashley. Spending Saturday afternoon shooting in Harrisburg with two photogenic people? Yes please, that is something that I am very much always willing to do. Erin came along and we got to talk a lot and discovered many things we have in common. She has such a peaceful and contemplative spirit that is so beautiful. Shooting in Harrisburg was really cool because it's on the water and it's a very small city so walking all around is not a problem. We found some really cool spots and Nick and Ashley were so relaxed and up for anything. My favorite spot was inside the capital building. The intricacy of the artwork and architecture made it the perfect place to photograph. So overall, pretty people + cool settings + creative inspiration + a new friend = wonderful day.
Peace, Kate J Miller

City Island Bridge


Sculpture on Front Street

Sunday, May 10, 2009


A few days ago one of my professors asked me to take some updated headshots for her to use with something that she's publishing. Obviously, I enthusiastically agreed. I'm really happy with the way they turned out, I've taken three classes with Dr. Williams Paris and I feel that these photos capture the way she teaches. She's intensely passionate about the material and always willing to hear and discuss new ideas and perspectives. After taking one anthropology class with her I knew I wanted to make it one of my minors. Check out her blog at
Peace, Kate J Miller

Monday, May 4, 2009

Spring is just so intensely lovely...

This is the last week of classes for me. Finals are quickly approaching. I'm trying to find small moments of peace before the academic year is over. Today's moment of peace came while photographing tulips in my dorm room. It was calming, refreshing, and helped me to refocus. Spring is here!
Peace, Kate J Miller